Monday, 10 May 2010

Hypocrites you're all here for the very same reason

My blog. It is where i rant, where i laugh, where i cry. It is the place i come to when i need to escape from that never ending pile of work. It is the venue of my friends current lives, their feelings, their stories, their daily inspiration. It is the portal through which i get to experience strangers days via their clever wit and poetic words that fall seamlessly onto the page. It is the comforter of my hardest days and the best friend of my funniest. It is my present and it is the idle dreams of my future. It is the darkest moments of my past, forever written down and documented for me to read at any time allowing me to see just how far i have come.

I read it when i need to remember. When i need to prove to myself just how strong i am or can be. When i need that reality check or to simply have a laugh at an old memory.

My blog doesn't judge me. It doesn't care how i am feeling, it just lets me. It lets me break down and it lets me rant. It lets me express my overwhelming feelings towards another and it never tells me that i am being silly or naive or irrational. It never changes its feelings towards me the way in which a person, a friend can and it never forewarns me of the dangers ahead.

It simply lets me be.

My blog is quite possibly one of my best friends. Like that blanket you have had since you were four or the teddy that spent night after night in your cot with you as you slept. It is the bucket you sit on your lap after a messy night out and the tissues that fill your bin throughout all your heartache. It is the warm summers days with friends and the late night conversations about thoughts so deep they should really be kept for another day.

And my blog is the window through which i let my friends know how i am feeling without having to actually tell them. It is the way i speak when i am unable to physically find the words, it is the endless thank you's i owe to so many of my friends and family, it is the memories i know i will never forget and it is all there for anyone to read and do with as they so wish.

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to

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