Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I wrote you a picture today

I wrote you a picture today
I painted what I wanted to say
And now the picture is complete
I thought you might like to see

My first attempt at painting...

Second go...

Decisions, Decisions

Lets take a closer look...

I think I've made my choice...

Does exactly what it says on the tin...

Little Lion Man, Or Are You A Tiger?

I think this is my favourite one...

Thursday, 24 June 2010

This single status

I think i am starting to get the hang of this single status that i currently hold. It is not a status i asked for, and for a while i didn't want it, part of me still doesn't, but i've finally got to the stage where i know what to do with it and i must say i am quite enjoying it.

Walking the street with a smile on your face because a dread locked boy asked for your number as you walked through town, or blushing at work when the handyman asks if he can take you for a drink, or even the dumbstruck silence you find yourself in when the most beautiful tattooed boy comes to your till...

I am beginning to enjoy this status i had forced upon me :)

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Make mine a Banksy

The other day while sitting on my lunch at work i was idly flicking through the Metro that had been left on the staffroom table. I miss the Metro. It was probably the only part of my commute to Uni that i ever enjoyed so i enjoyed the easy reading it brought to my half an hour break.

It was while flicking through the pages that i came across an article that i was drawn to so much that i decided to rip it out of the paper and pocket it!

I have since looked for the article on the Metro website but can't seem to find it, so here is what it says in a nutshell...

The Prince of Wales pub in London, that backs on to Labour leadership candidate, David Miliband's, house which is guarded by armed police, had a midnight visit by a hooded artist, who stayed their for about four hours working.

He was caught on CCTV but managed to miss any detection from the police just yards away while he worked. When the owners opened the pub the next morning they were welcomed by the picture of a number of photo frames and mirrors all attached to their beer garden wall with the image of a lion and a little girl holding her hand out with Banksy's famous heart shaped balloon floating behind. The central framed mirror reads, "Run for your lives".

A number of artists have been in to view the work but no one has been able to confirm if it is the work of the artist who's works sell for thousands of pounds.

Thankfully the owners have decided to keep the work in their beer garden rather than destroy it.

I am a big fan of art and graffiti and live by the rule that graffiti is art, vandalism is vandalism - two completely different things. I think it takes a lot of skill and patience to be able to create something so detailed ad imaginative, especially on the scaled that graffiti is often found.

I have always wanted to have a go at creating my own graffiti but as my artistic abilities seem to have faded with age i feel i would be no good. But i do have high hopes for my brother if he were ever willing to give it a try as his work is amazing!

Not bad for paint!

I'm sure he will love me for putting these up!!

Due to me not being able to find the article on the Internet i am unable to attach a picture of the piece in question. However, here is a selection of other Banksy pieces. Enjoy...

Thursday, 10 June 2010

"I'm going to dig a hole outside my cave."

I have briefly stepped out of the cave and into the University's 24 hour room to use their Internet and decided that while i am here i should write down a few of these mind blogs i have been having the past two days, so let me straighten my seat and add a few colourful mixture of words to create a hopeful non to boring read for you all :)

Firstly, the shoes are starting to take form and look rather pretty. I was up until 4am Wednesday morning sewing and making flowers to put on them. Pictures will soon be uploaded of the whole development process!

Due to the success of the shoes my best friend Franis Alice has asked if i can make her a pair of customised shoes too. I think i may have to start charging if this takes off! ha ha!

I found out yesterday that my old bedroom at the Bungabow shall no longer be housed by Tim, a boy, but by Nikki - the "bad influence" as Mom called her after i arrived home with a pierced lip after spending the day with her - a girl. I feel this is quite a nice thing as to me it shall always be a girls room in a girls house. It's all very girly. So as much as i love Tim, because he is a lovely guy, i am looking forward to seeing my old room being lived in by another girl :)

Tuesday night was pretty stressful to say the least. I was cleaning my lip ring with salt water, as you do, and the ball came off. It took me an hour to try and get the thing back on the bar and hurt my lip in the process. I tried looking in the mirror, i tried guessing, i tried holding the back of the bar still with my teeth, with my tongue, with my finger. I pushed my lip here, there and everywhere and dropped the ball down the side of the sofa, on the floor, down my sleeve and i almost cried a few times before realising that my 'righty tighty, lefty losey' rule was not working because i was twisting to my reflections right, not my actual right, therefore turning it left... :\

Wednesday i had work all day, which mainly consisted of regulars who i have been serving twice a week every week for the last eight months asking me if i was new because i had my contacts in rather than my glasses. I decided to start a new diet involving not eating any processed foods. I then realised this was a painfully hard diet to stick to, especially when working at a Wetherspoons where all food is microwaved!

After work Maria and Nikki came to meet me, bless, and save me from a night on my own in the cave. - I feel bad calling it a cave, because it is actually a really nice house and i am uber grateful to Becca for letting me stay, i just wish i had a TV/laptop/Internet - We then went for a carvery which was LOOOVELY and Maria stacked her plate quite possibly higher than any plate has ever before been stacked. [Picture to be uploaded shortly] It was the carvery's curry night so they also had three different curries on the same counter.. Maria had carvery with all three meats, curry and all three gravies.

"Curry and gravy do not go." She later realised!

Nikki spent most of the time crawling around the floor looking for the ball off her lip ring as she also lost hers twice in the space of ten minutes - this is also after having to stop and put her hazards on on our way to the carvery because she lost it while driving!!

The last time she dropped it we were all crawling on the floor for a few minutes before deciding to carry on and eat our food to then come back to it later. When we went back to search for it after our meal we were joined - again - by the waitress who got down on her hands and knees looking for it with us. A lady of a table near us also came and helped in the search for it but we couldn't find it anywhere. We finally decided to give up looking for it and sat back on our seats where Nikki suddenly noticed it had been next to her place mat the entire time!

Very boring but i actually went to bed, not only before 4am for once but also before midnight, and was all tucked up and asleep by 11.11!! - Very exact i know!

Today i had a lovely 9 hour shift again which dragged for the majority of it. During my last hour i served some right twats, who's line of the day was, "Nice piercing. Do you have anything else pierced?" while giving me a cheeky grin and a little wink.

If it wasn't funny the first time then it wasn't going to be funny the second or third now was it mate! I am sorry however that i do not have the intellectual wit and intelligence to come up with such an amusing question while drinking cheap larger through a mouth of missing teeth in the middle of the day, i must have been busy working full time to help pay for my university degree!

Anyway, rant over.. and that pretty much concludes my post for today :)

Oh that and the fact that for the last two days as part of my 'diet' or 'healthy eating' plan, whatever you want to call it, i have had fruit and yogurt for breakie, ate porridge which i have hated my entire life due to my brother telling me it had spiders legs in it, and i have had chicken salads for lunch. Pretty impressive for a vegetarian!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Is that a spot?

Last night i went to see my Nan. She lives in Birmingham and with me being at Uni i rarely get to see her, so me and my Dad went to surprise her.

The main reason for the visit was so that i could strip the paper off in her bathroom as she is having it decorated in a few weeks. My Dad, being the insanely lovely person that he is, drove us to Birmingham at 8.30pm just so i could strip the paper off that i started when i was five years old!

The wall paper was this floral stuff dad put up over 30 years ago. For as long as i can remember i have been picking at it and it has had little bits missing here and there. When we were younger my brother used to always get the blame for it, and me, being the angelic granddaughter who could do no wrong, got away scot-free!

As i had waited so long to take this paper down i decided to time how long it took me... 8 minutes!! That is all. To remove all of the paper from her bathroom on my own. I was very pleased.

In the 8 minutes it took me to strip the paper my Nan had had her third cherry and lemonade and it was starting to take affect. She noticed my lip piercing and asked, "Is that a spot on your face?" I said no and told her, which prompted her whole, 'if we were meant to be covered in holes God would have made us with them' speech. Dad quickly reminded her that she had her ears pierced.

I went over and showed her it and showed her the back bit inside my mouth which made her literally jump. I found it quite amusing!

I then went in search of things to put on the shoes i am planning to make. My Nan being the greatest hoarder on earth was in no short supply of random crap. I found a jar filled with buttons and buckles and began to look through searching for some interesting ones to sew onto the shoes.

A few more tipsy comments. "You know I love you Amy. And your Dad."
"I know Nan."
"I will love you from the day I die."
"Oh so until then you don't love us?"

Her drunk slurs do make me smile :)

Then came the time to explore her kicthen. She had it completely refitted a few months ago and still hasn't put things back in the cupboards because she doesn't know where to put them. So i decided to explore the depths of her empty cupboards and fridge and found a lone egg. He looked so sad sitting in he fridge on his own that i just had to draw a face on him and take some pictures.

Ed the Egg and His Fridge Adventures

Monday, 7 June 2010

The only exception

Iron Fist

These remind me of Dorothy's shoes in the Wizard of Oz.

So beautiful. So girly but not at the same time.

I really like the tiny amount of art on the side of these :)
Wow. Just wow.

I love the lace affect on these, and the girl sticking her tongue out on the inside.

I love the picture these make when put together and the simple use of colours.

Irregular Choice

My favourite ever pair of shoes were some floral Rocket Dog shoes but I wore them to their death.
These remind me of them and how much I loved those shoes!

I love this entire picture. The colours, the mess, the organisation, the beauty, the childness of it.
This is currently my desktop background.

I love the heal on these and the little charms hanging off the heal <3

I think these appeal to my Gothic side. Very glamours!

Grey is probably one of my favourite colours and I generally love the mixture of patterns on these.

I have wanted these shoes for about five years. They are the first Irregular Choice shoes I saw and fell in love with.
If only I could walk in heals!!


I love how many shades and textures one colour can have. I think this shoe explores them all brilliantly!

I really wanted some Vans, then I found these on Irregular Choice's website...

After touring the shoe shops in Merry Hell for some Vans - or 'fat' shoes as I like to call them - and finding none I like I have decided to make my own out of a £2 Primarni pair of pink pumps...

Where did that fringe come from?

In my part excitement for tomorrow and the general fact that i am a university student and therefore any such notion as a 'bedtime' is a foreign language to me, i am still up at 4am, an hour after ending my online chats stating that i need to go to bed.

To prepare for tomorrow i decided to do my hair now, only to find that my straighteners are on their way out and to discover a block of a fringe i have never before seen! It literally seems to have appeared out of the top of my head over the last hour, as the last time i looked in a mirror i do not recall seeing such a mass amount of hair covering my forehead!

Anyway, for some reason i decided that my new fringe was blog worthy and thought i would share with the world my once again speedy hair growth before i finally enter the land of nod.

So night night world, see you tomorrow for feedback on my day of paid acting! hehehe :)

Sunday, 6 June 2010!

Tomorrow is going to be a brilliantly exciting day for me, and i am extremely excited to say that it shall be the day of my first ever paid acting job!!!

Saying that makes me smile a great deal and i feel really positive about what opportunities the day may bring to the near future.

I am going to be filming an advert for online viewing on social networking sites such as Twitter, as well as the companies main business websites. To be honest i do not know very much about it at the moment, all i know is that i am acting on me tod and that i am getting paid for it. Oh and that it is for pesticides.

I will no doubt be blogging again tomorrow to tell you all about my experiences and how much fun it was.

In other acting news:

I have finally signed the contract for the film, Musik, which i recorded last summer. This means that it will soon be shown somewhere. Again i do not know a great deal about the ins and outs of the future for the film as i am simply an actor involved with it and all of that business is for the producers minds only, but i do know that a company in London have shown some interest in it and that Jeremy Bulloch who played Bobba Fett in the Star Wars movies is in it. Sadly i did not get to meet him - not that i would have known who he was as i have never seen a single Star Wars movie in my life. To see the trailer go to and go onto the multimedia section :)

At the end of July i am off to Brighton for a few days to spend some time with my lovely best friend Boodge Lane and i shall be accompanying him on the recording of his solo album The City Limits. I am very excited and feel extremely privileged to be asked to come and help him with this project and i think the final outcome will be bloody marvelous!!

I shall then be traveling straight from Brighton to London to spend three weeks working with National Youth Theatre on their summer season in a show called S'Warm. The show will explore the growing issue of climate change and the theory that the death of the bee will equal the death of the planet. But again, apart from that, i do not know much else about it, except that i shall be lodging at my friends house with a collection of the people who i spent my last summer with when i did my training course with NYT. I cannot wait to see these people again!!!

So far that is all the news where my acting/singing/performing is concerned. I hope that from every one of these projects more will come available to me and i am looking forward to a fun filled summer with some truly amazing friends and some talented people i am yet to meet :)

Friday, 4 June 2010

Here comes cider season

I work in a pub, I have done now for 8 months, at this pub at least, and something that always strikes me about the Summer season is the varieties of people it brings with it.

Today I served a deaf and dumb man. Thankfully it was at quite a quiet point in the day so I could dedicate my time to him fully to understand what it was he was trying to order.

He is not the first deaf and dumb person I have served, at this pub or at others I have worked at, and I very much doubt he will be the last.

Each time I serve someone like that, or see someone in a shop being served it pains me a little and I occasionally get annoyed at myself.

I wish I knew sign language.

One of my oldest friends little brothers is deaf, he has been all his life. When he was born I remember starting to learn bits of sign language with my friend and his Mom, sadly no where near enough to be able to form a sentence or understand someone else's.

When I think about a life with no sound, I feel as though I would be missing the most vital part of myself. To live in a world with no music. To live a life where you would never wake up to the sound of birds singing, or hear a baby laugh for the first time. To not know when someone is calling you. A life like that seems quite empty to me somehow.

A life with no speech equally fills me with the same sorrow. To never sing a lyric of my favourite song, or tell my best friend the stories of my day. To never be able to voice my anger at someone in a blazing row in the middle of the street.

I think we all take things far too much for granted sometimes.

And every time I see a person who cannot voice their own joy or happiness or pain, who cannot hear the joy or happiness or pain of others, saddens me. I try to imagine what it must be like for them, to put myself in their shoes.

They are shoes I would not like to travel very far in to say the least.

And each time I think these thoughts I give myself the same, never materialising task, learn sign language.

If one day I could ask a deaf and dumb person what table number they are seated at, or if they would like ice in their drink, in a way they could understand, I think that would be an amazing gift.

So here it is, in writing, my want and why to learn sign language. Lets hope maybe this time I mean it!

"You have chilli on your face"

Tuesday I had my lip pierced. This is something I have wanted done since I was about 13 but never thought I'd do. My best girl used to photo shop lip rings onto photos of me when we were younger, but no more!

My parents were not best pleased when I came home with the surprise piercing and my mom decided to blame my friend Nikki for my new look, saying she was a bad influence on me. I find this quite funny as I was the one who made her go through with getting hers done a week previously.

Today was my first day at work with my new piercing and at first I found it quite odd to talk so much, catching the bar on my teeth occasionally when I spoke, but by tonight I was out in Velvet with my best friend and some people from work and by 2am I didn't even notice it.

It feels already like this is becoming a part of me that has always been there. And apparently it suits me quite a lot.. Always a good thing!! (Y)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

just get back up

tonight i went back to the bungabow to collect a few things i had forgotten while i am back in worcester for work. i took jake into my bedroom - can i call it that anymore as it technically isn't?! - to show him how different it looks without my things everywhere. as soon as i opened the door to the room i was welcomed by the reminding smell that this is no longer my home. my scent had been completely replaced in the room by the same smell that housed it when i moved in a year ago.

the room looked different, bigger somehow. it had lost its homely feel to it, its comforting welcome upon opening the door, most importantly it no longer seemed to hold the memories it so often reminded me of. i didn't look around the room and see the face that that room reminds me of so often, and as comforting as that was in some respect it was also quite upsetting, but a lot of that i think was due to the natural emotion of moving out of a place that for so long was your home.

i am now looking forward to an amazing summer, to spending time commuting to work, sleeping on peoples floors, visiting friends in wales and brighton and leicester, and to spending three amazing weeks with some wonderful friends in london before finally taking my final steps as a student to living with some truly incredible friends. i know at times, that part especially, will be difficult, or in a polite way 'interesting' but i am trying to look at it with open, eager and hopeful eyes. i do not want to fear the last part of my student journey, i want to enjoy it. even the hard bits.

so roll on summer 2010 and here's to not missing a thing!